Let’s be honest, Spanish accents rules can be tricky! One small mark on top of any of the five vowels has the power to induce fear, stress out or, at the very least, make people second-guess themselves.
Of course, this is not true for everyone, but I hope to shed a little more light on the subject for those who need a little clarification.
Editing is a tedious part of the writing process, yet necessary. Some teachers take out their red pens while others flock to their trusted spell-checking apps.
We teach our students to peer-edit. Therefore, we also collaborate and ask about accents before sending flyers or newsletters home with our students.
Rules for Spanish Accents
I created this quick reference chart for those needing a quick refresher of the rules to place accents on words in Spanish.

But, as in everything in life, some things just don’t quite fit with the rules. So, check out this chart.

And finally, the purpose of these types of accents, is to provide a different meaning. They are called ’tildes diacríticas´.

Now that we understand the rules, HOW DO WE TEACH IT to elementary students!

As you can see, teaching how to place accents is a multi-grade skill and should be EXPLICITLY taught in each according to the scope and sequence that your state standards provide.
Teach accents standards according to the grade level you teach, but if your students do not master this skill, then look at the previous grade level standards to pinpoint gaps in instruction.
Take a look at this chart for a quick breakdown of the sub-skills and sequence for teaching Spanish accents rules.

Here is a resource that addresses the standards presented above.

Spanish accents on keyboards
Now that you know where and when to place accents, here is a bonus chart for you to locate them on your keyboard.
Accents on a PC

Accents on a Mac

Learn about other rules of Spanish grammar here.